When it comes to summer car service suggestions, Fernandez Honda is on-hand to help. There are a lot of ways your car can suffer some potentially destructive wear-and-tear throughout these ‘dog days’. That mechanical damage can be prevented, however, by administering these simple steps toward ‘summer-proofing’ your vehicle.
You have meticulously planned and mapped out your course for an incredible summer vacation with your friends and family. But few things can wreck your getaway plans faster than a broken-down vehicle. And your plans aren’t the only potential casualties if you decide to ignore the advantages of summer-proofing your car.
Putting off regularly scheduled car service is an error all of us have made. In our excitement to get started on the road, we don’t take the time to make certain our vehicle is in tip-top shape. The next thing you know, your radiator needs replacing or your engine has burned up in the summer heat. Which do you think is more expensive? A gallon of coolant or a new engine?
Keeping your vehicle maintained isn’t just to ensure you get a more affordable, hassle-free road trip. Over time, keeping your car, truck, or SUV maintained ensures its longevity for far longer than a minimally maintained one.
Nobody plans to be broken down on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere, or worse. keeping your car in tip-top shape can ensure you and your friends and family reach your destination safely. So, before you head out on vacation, take a look at this brief summer vehicle maintenance checklist:
Remove the tires one-at-a-time and inspect your brake pads and/or shoes for any visible signs of wear-and-tear.
A battery tester can check the power levels of your battery to make sure your car, truck, or SUV starts up whenever you need it to.
Ensure your windshield wiper blades are in good condition and not bouncing across your dry windshield or leaving a trail of water on a wet one.
For all of your car, truck, and SUV repair needs, Fernandez Honda in the San Antonio area has everything you need to maintain your car, truck, or SUV, including the expertly trained, Honda certified mechanical specialists you’ll need to ensure your car, truck, or SUV is repaired to manufacturing specifications. So, when making your plans for the summer, make sure to set up a quick summertime assessment of your vehicle and allow our automotive specialists supply you with a risk-free summer season.
Honda Summer Car Maintenance in San Antonio, TX | Fernandez Honda