Auto Loan Questions You Should Be Asking Your Car Dealer

One of the best advice to have in consideration if you are about to make the decision of purchasing a car is to be absolutely sure that it is actually within your budget. After that, is all a matter of requesting a pre-approved car loan. At Fernandez Honda, when it comes to an auto loan”, we excel to make the process as easy and transparent as possible; that is why we strive to provide you with the information you need to have a basic understanding of the overall process to get the car you are looking for, reducing any fear or frustration along the way.

1) Can You Get A Car Loan At The Dealership?

Absolutely! Dealerships have financing teams on site to help customers with everything they need to finance their vehicle. From their expert knowledge of all of the different financing programs and options to their extensive network of banks and credit unions (a.k.a.: “lenders”), the dealership finance team is perfectly equipped to provide you with everything you need to finance your new vehicle.

2) How Do I Get Approved For An Auto Loan?

Getting approved for an auto loan takes a lot of factors into consideration including your credit history report and your annual/monthly income. While there is not a one-size-fits-all process that will guarantee auto loan approval for everyone, these preparation steps can lower the difficulty level of the approval process.

To get a jump-start on the process, we recommend filling out the dealership’s online financing application before you make the trip to the dealership. When you’re ready to head to the showroom, be sure to bring the following:

  • Your valid driver’s license
  • Your proof of income (paycheck stubs and/or bank statements)
  • Three to five personal references (name, address, and phone numbers)
  • Your down payment (if needed)

3) Can I Get Approved For A Car Loan After Bankruptcy?

Yes, it is possible to get a car loan approval even after bankruptcy, depending on a few factors:

  • Was the bankruptcy a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing?
  • Has the bankruptcy been discharged or are you still in bankruptcy?
  • How was your credit history before filing for bankruptcy?
  • If you do not have a letter from your trustee, you should obtain one.

For a more detailed explanation of how you can get a post-bankruptcy car loan approval, we recommend taking advantage of the dealership’s financing managers’ auto financing expertise with a quick phone call (210) 928-1500. There’s no one better equipped to help you find the best ways to get approved, even after bankruptcy.

4) Should I Apply For A Car Loan Before or After Picking Out A Car?

The answer to this question really depends on whether you want to be pre-approved for a specific dollar amount or if you’re looking for financing on your dream car. Whichever you prefer, the dealership financing team is ready to help you throughout the financing process.

5) What Do I Need To Bring With Me To Get Approved For A Car Loan?

It’s always a good idea to come to the dealership prepared for the financing process with the following documents:

  • Valid Driver’s License
  • Proof of Income:
    • If you’re a W2 Employee you’ll need:
    • Recent paycheck stubs
    • If you’re a new employee, a proof-of-employment letter from your employer is a good idea
    • If you’re self-employed you’ll need:
    • Bank statements
    • Tax returns
  • Three to five personal references (name, address, phone number)

These are general documentation requirements. For answers more specific to your circumstances, the dealership’s financing team can answer all of your questions and concerns more accurately.

Auto Loan Questions You Should Be Asking Your Car Dealer | Fernandez Honda

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